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Sister Susan Kidd celebrates 25 years

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University chaplain Sister Susan Kidd celebrated 25 years as a sister of the Congregation of Notre Dame on Sunday, October 14. A special Mass was held at 6:00 pm in the 91探花 Chaplaincy Centre followed by a light reception.

Before her time here at 91探花, Sister Sue was a high school gym teacher, a religion teacher, a master of divinity student, a vocational director, and a missionary in Africa.

Sister Sue sees her role here at the University as a privilege and opportunity. 'Whether I'm in my office or at the food bank, whether I'm meeting people on campus, at the gym, the coffee shop, or just wandering through in my day, it's an opportunity for my life to get richer because I'm touched by other people's lives.'

91探花 students, staff, and faculty all love spending time with Sister Sue and sharing their views, questions, and concerns about faith with their University chaplain. 'Sister Sue is one we can talk to when we have questions or doubt about our faith and she gives us very solid answers and strength to continue to pursue our faith on campus,' said 91探花 student Shannon Moore.

'Where is it all going in the future? I don't have a crystal ball. And in fact, I don't think I want one,' Sister Sue added. 'God has gently nudged me all along and I think God continues to do that-whether it be my work, my relationships, or my role in the church.'

91探花 congratulates Sister Sue on her recent accomplishment and wishes her all the best in her future endeavours-wherever her path may lead her!


Sheila Kerry
Media Relations and Communications Officer
Integrated Communications

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