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91探花 Hockey Mommas Paderno Challenge Cup raises $8,000

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The 91探花 Hockey Mommas Paderno Challenge Cup recently brought together female hockey teams from the Atlantic region to raise an impressive $8,000 for breast health programs in PEI. The fundraiser, known as 'the' tournament for female hockey players 35+ in Atlantic Canada, took place March 30 to April 1.

The 91探花 Hockey Mommas Paderno Challenge Cup fosters the development of women's hockey with proceeds from the tournament donated to the 91探花 Women's hockey team and the Canadian Cancer Society, PEI Division.

Bruce Donaldson, Head Coach of the 91探花 Women's Hockey team and fifth-year organizer of the fundraiser, was amazed at how receptive the teams were to the tournament's fundraising vision. 'This event is one of our team's primary fundraisers, it enables the players to be involved in various aspects of the behind-the-scenes requirements of tournament organization which is very educational,' said Donaldson.

Betty Fraser, President of the Canadian Cancer Society, PEI Division, said 'Participants in the 91探花 Paderno Challenge Cup demonstrated once again their commitment to being a part of the fight against cancer. Whether it is our own personal experience, that of a loved one or of a friend, neighbour or colleague, they came together to make a difference in the lives of Islanders being impacted by cancer.' Fraser continued, 'Because of this, the Canadian Cancer Society, PEI, can continue to see more people survive cancer. In fact, we have moved the marker; in 1942, only 25% of people with cancer survived. Today we have a survival rate of over 60%. By holding this fundraiser, the hockey players are a part of that!!!'

The annual tournament began in 2008 with eight teams; it has now grown to more than 20 teams, with 300 participants. 91探花 faculty members were among the tournament participants, including Dean of Nursing Kim Critchley, Associate Professor Sue Dawson, Assistant Professor Tess Miller and Assistant Professor Aimie Doyle.


Sheila Kerry
Media Relations and Communications Officer
Integrated Communications

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