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Book Launch: Tailings of Warren Peace - May 17

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Sponsored by Island Studies Press Friday evening, May 17, 7:30 pm in the Faculty Lounge, Main Building Everyone welcome! New Adult Fiction by Stephen Law Tailings of Warren Peace leads readers through tendrils of the past, evoking memories and spirits that both guide and forewarn a man who repossesses gravestones, to a burial site in the highlands of Guatemala. The story is one of love, memory, the way the past haunts us, and the power of solidarity to save us. Author Information Stephen Law is a writer, organic farmer, and social activist. He first went to Latin America in his late teens, eventually working in El Salvador as the Peace Accords were negotiated. In 1998, he lived on the coast of Colombia in a region dominated by paramilitaries, providing accompaniment to Peace Communities. Since then, he has taken youth delegations to meet with Guatemalan activists and has engaged in campaigns that have exposed the impacts of corporate practices on communities in Canada and Latin America. He lives in Kennetcook, Nova Scotia with his partner and his two daughters. For more information, contact Joan Sinclair at Island Studies Press: 566-0386;