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Master of Applied Health Services Research thesis defense by Jenna Deighan

Posting Date(s)
Health Science Building 106

Presenter: Jenna Deighan

Title: An Assessment of Islanders' Information Needs and Preferences Related to Concussion Care for Children and Youth

Abstract:  Concussions have emerged as an important public health issue, especially among children and youth, as they are disproportionately more likely to suffer head injuries. It is critical that all stakeholders are aware of the signs and symptoms related to a mild traumatic brain injury, as well as basic concussion knowledge, as most diagnoses rely on the self-reporting of symptoms. To determine the gaps related to concussion knowledge and to identify where education should be targeted in Prince Edward Island, a community health needs assessment was completed to inform the development of an educational strategic plan. Study findings highlighted the need for not only fundamental concussion knowledge but also information around specialized services offered in PEI, as well as return-to-sport and school strategies. The development of an evidence-informed website for concussion information and a list of services offered in PEI would be a great start to easily increase public knowledge of concussions.

Date/Time /Location: Tuesday, June 6, 2023, 9:30 am, Health Sciences Building 106

Everyone is welcome.