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Auditory Perception and Music Cognition Presentations, August 22

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How does music affect learning or the absorption of information? How is the ability to recognize new words influenced by age, bilingualism, musical ability and gender? These questions, and many others related to music and language, will be explored during the Department of Psychology's Second Summer Workshop in Auditory Perception and Music Cognition, on Wednesday, August 22, beginning at 1 pm, in the lower level of the Robertson Library.

Presentations will be made by student researchers Andy Gallant, Yee May Siau, Sarah Simpson, Mary Anne Welton, Robert Drew, and Kelti MacMillan, lab director Dr. Annabel Cohen, and guest Tony Reddin. They will focus on the role of music in film and video, a new system for surround sound, sensitive periods in language acquisition, the role of multilingualism in memory for new words, a new mapping approach to biography, and the contribution of music to well-being.

The workshop takes a lighter side between 4:15 and 5:45 pm when the presenters, several of whom are musicians, perform on guitar and voice. Stephen Newman of OCEAN and K-ROCK will emcee the event and present film and music trivia between the acts. Prizes include an original etching by Debra James Percival and a CD by Robert Drew, among many others. Light refreshments will be provided and everyone is welcome. More details are available at


Anne McCallum
Media Relations and Communications

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